Apr 2, 2007

The diner

I don't know whether you know this or not but the diner where one scenes of The Big Lebowski and American History X was filmed is the same diner. I know this info is not going to change the course of your life but there is no harm in sharing it with you, is there?

I watched American History X again last weekend and recognized the diner immediately since I am kinda a big fan of The Dude lately. To recap the importance of the diner in The Big Lebowski, it was the place where Walter, John Goodman, uttered the line " I can get you a toe by three o'clock this afternoon". I loved that movie. I wish the diner had not gone out of business so that I could have been "enjoying my coffee" there too.

I subscribed to The New Yorker magazine, finally. The first issue arrived last week. There is a fabulous article by George Packer titled Betrayed, The Iraqis who trusted America the most. it is available online as well. You should most definitely read it. Along with that, I am also reading Newsweek's Int. issue's letters from the battlefield. That one though is not a easy read. I cannot go more than only one e-mail sent by a now deceased army member to his/her family.

This American Life, TAL, did a great job again with their The Golden Apple podcast. This one is like a dream came true kinda podcast. What a terrific collection of interesting stories from the regular Joes of that diner. It is also available on TAL's web, free of charge. I wish I could go in there and had a cup of coffee. Damn !!!

This week, I have two strong leads for my prospective employment. The only problem is that none of them replied me so far. I followed up once but nothing happened. Maybe it is true that no news is good news, but I am stressed out. Lately, searching a job became a joke. For the positions I applied for, I have the education and the experience they ask but I am still not able to land one. They usually get someone they know, regardless of education or experience. Then, they train that person to fit for that given position. Usually, the newly hired one has some sort of political connections or family ties with that company's key figures. Don't get me wrong, I am not blaming anyone for my frustration. However, this is how it works here, sad but true.

This weekend we are going to the dog shelter once more, hoping to get a healthy puppy this time. My wife is crazy about dogs who was so afraid of them few years ago. Now, she plays with them, hugs them. She is totally crazy for them. On top of that, she does not want a pure breed, contrary to most. She wants to adopt one from shelters. Well, it shows that people can change over the years. :)

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