Dec 6, 2006


I have not been posting lately. I was keeping myself busy with all kinds of silly stuff. So far I am not depressed at all. Weather is good for all of us who live on this part of the world. So there are no excuses not to take walks.

I found couple of my old friends. It is really good to have a talk with them. They had the same experiences, job searching wise.

I am trying to keep my calmness. I guess I am succeeding at that, at least I am better than I used to be.

It is sunny outside but it is cold. No complaints though.

Sometimes, I feel like I am ok with being jobless. That scares me. I feel like I am getting lazier and shyer and want to keep everything as is. Then, I start pushing myself to do something to chance the situation yet immediately I get panicked. I desire to get out of the jobless world so fast that make me nervous and incapable of accomplishing anything. Then again, I take a deep breath and calm down. Now I am calm. Who knows what happens tomorrow. Tomorrow is good, isn't it?

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