May 7, 2007

Spring is here, at last

Thanks to the spring, now my allergy is on its full blast. Last Sunday, literally all of a sudden, I was hit by assault of runny nose and eyes and machine gun like sneeze avalanches.

I am on antihistaminic med which makes me very sleepy. The weather is gorgeous here, but I don't wanna go out in order not to trigger my allergy again.

My mother-in-law called me this morning, out of clear blue sky, and told me that she was on her way to our place. I was caught off guard thinking that it was a joke or something. She said she was serious and coming. I asked her why and she said she missed our morning talks; she was referring to the talks when we stayed at their place approx. 7 months ago, and now she wants to have a morning talk with me. Obviously, that was an excuse. She just wanted to drop by to mend things. She cannot control herself and wants make a move on everything whenever she thinks things must be fixed.

Well, sometimes you gotta leave things and people alone. I tried to turn her down, yet she insisted. Then I had to call my wife to stop my mother-in-law. I was not in the mood for having a chat with my MIL.

Since our return, we became her pass time activity. I have had enough though, and decided to keep a healthy distance in order not to cause an irreversible damage in our relationship.

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