Jan 30, 2007

Cold day

Yes it is really cold outside. Despite that, I went out and took a walk. This time I listened to This American Life's My Brilliant Plan podcast. It was pretty interesting.

Taking a 45-minute long walks truly help me to have a positive mood. Podcasts are also good remedy for boredom and self pity situations.

Job wise, I have been following couple of leads. No words on them yet but I am still keeping my spirit up, not all the time though.

I just finished reading an article in The New Yorker magazine on bratz and barbie dolls. What a tough toy market it is to be in. I can't believe the way Barbie is being marketed to young girls; showing that all the girls are shopping addicted brainless kinda creatures.

As a matter of fact that depiction is true, isn't it?

Well, who am I to judge those youngsters. :) Let them do whatever they like to do. It is a generation thing and every generation has its own quirks.

Other than that I am bored quite badly today once more. When the evening time settles, I feel worse. In the nights, I am ok again. Mornings are not bad actually, since I feel like a new, unexpected thing may happen. However, in the evenings I do realize that I am not gonna hear a god damn good news on that day, and this cycle goes on and on forever.

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